
AgeofZombiesisanaction-adventuresurvivalhorrorvideogamedevelopedandpublishedbyHalfbrickStudios.ItwasreleasedforPlayStationPortable, ...,AgeofZombiesisagamewherethehero,BarrySteakfries,employstheuseoftimeportalstostoptheevilzombieschemeofProfessorBrains.,AgeofZombiesisavideogamebyHalfbrickStudios.ItwasfirstreleasedasaPlayStationMinistitlein2010,forPlayStationPortableandPlayStation3.

Age of Zombies

Age of Zombies is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed and published by Halfbrick Studios. It was released for PlayStation Portable, ...

Age of Zombies PSN

Age of Zombies is a game where the hero, Barry Steakfries, employs the use of time portals to stop the evil zombie scheme of Professor Brains.

Age of Zombies | PlayStation Wiki

Age of Zombies is a video game by Halfbrick Studios. It was first released as a PlayStation Minis title in 2010, for PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3.